

Question by  sparksarul (19)

What can I do to avoid difficulties with potty training?


Answer by  PooBear (341)

Make sure your child is mature enough to understand what you are expecting, ask for and listen to advice only from people who have actually potty trained a child and lay in a large supply of patience. This isn't as hard to accomplish if you have patience and a sense of humor.


Answer by  pyritejenny (347)

Make sure she's ready. She must often stay dry for up to 2 hours. Make sure she's willing. She must want to train. She must be able to pull her own pants down, walk to the bathroom in time, and reach the potty chair. If the child is ready, willing, and able, training is much easier.


Answer by  Alisha (224)

Wait until the child is ready. When the child is ready, pick a day and make sure that the child and you are prepared to make that day no more diapers day. Prepare for intensive potty training behavior and only wear big kid pants from then on. Training pants only confuse a child and undermine what you say.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Do not start too early and do not wait too late. Do not get upset by accidents but make a big deal out of buying "big kid" underwear or training pants. Let your child pick them out. make very frequebt trips to the potty and reward successes with a lot of verbal praise and maybe a sticker.

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