

Question by  dannystanks73 (14)

What can I do for my constipated rabbit?


Answer by  Anonymous

See a vet right away. My rabbit had the same and had to go on critical care. Don't wait and try things - find a bunny vet.

posted by Anonymous
My rabbit first got diarrhea than became constipated. I was told rabbits have a tendency to eat their own poop, even if you clean their cage everyday and feed them only timothy hay, like I did. They will do better in a wired bottom cage. Take it to the vet!  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Constipation in rabbits are usually fatal. Bring him to the vet IMMEDIATELY. Give him pure, unsweetened pineapple juice, no preservatives/coloring) try Dole (USA). You can syringe-feed it. Please, cereal/wheat/lettuce/vegetable oil can only worsen this problem! And of course not all drugs are safe for rabbits!


Answer by  Anonymous

He needs to eat hay every single day. It's the most important. Also, high quality pellets and rabbit-safe vegetables (google that). If your rabbit is shedding a lot, give him papaya enzyme pills to help with hair balls. Do not give him any lettuce/cabbage/vegetable oil!


Answer by  bluiijess (35)

Try giving your rabbit plenty of fiber. My rabbits like dry cereal like cherrios or shredded wheat. Another thing that might help is broccoli.


Answer by  slyamy (26)

You can feed your constipated rabbit vegetable's with water like lettuce or watermelon,with vegetable oil.If your rabbit won't eat you can try a children's supository.


Answer by  Anonymous

My rabbit first got diarrhea than became constipated. I was told rabbits have a tendency to eat their own poop, even if you clean their cage everyday and feed them only timothy hay, like I did. They will do better in a wired bottom cage. Take it to the vet!

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