health procedures


Question by  BrianMatthewJanisse (101)

What can I do for my c-section incision that came open and won't heal?


Answer by  lynn (821)

If it came open you will probably have to go to the doctor so it can be restitched. also it might be infected so you will probably need some antibiotics so that it will heal up. In the meantime keep it as clean as possible and maybe put some antibiotic ointment on it.


Answer by  acgood (47)

This is no time for a home remedy found on the internet. A c-section is major surgery and if the wound doesn't heal you could face infection of the wound or other serious health problems. Please go to your doctor or hospital emergency room immediately for evaluation and treatment.


Answer by  debmalewski (1085)

Please call your doctor, and schedule a visit as soon as possible. He/she might need to re-close it. Keep the area clean, dry, and covered. You should not be doing things that aggravate the condition--no driving, no vacuuming, as those motions tend to pull at a stomach wound and will keep the area open.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Your physician and surgeon should be the first persons you see. I might be the closure was not done properly, which can be corrected. Or their might be an underlying cause for this and tests should be done. This is nothing to take lightly and should be looked into immediately.

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