Could incontinence in a female dog be a sign of a bladder infection.
Has any female with PCOS gotten pregnant?
How can I tell when a female guppy is pregnant?
How do I know if I am pregnant or not?
My female lab is big in her rib area - is she pregnant?
My stomach is hurting really bad, could this be a sign that I am pregnant?
What are the signs of a pregnant horse?
fish pets
Question by shadow666 (7)
Answer by simna (473)
Look at the underside of the Betta fish's belly. If there are small white dots or small white stripes, we can make it clear that the fish is pregnant.
Answer by justmesuzanne (625)
Female beta's don't get pregnant. They become "gravid" with eggs. The eggs are fertilized outside the body and kept in a nest by the male.
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