

Question by  Allfyb (72)

My female lab is big in her rib area - is she pregnant?

It is possible that she could be pregnant but how do I know for sure?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

If you want to know for sure, then take her to the vet for an exam. This will give you a proper diagnosis and he can check for any issues. It will also rule out or help you start treating a dangerous medical issue or diet issues, if they are present.


Answer by  carol (1241)

It is possible. If you have reason to suspect that she is pregnant take her to your vet to verify that. If not, maybe she is just gaining weight and this should be checked out also.


Answer by  EmergencyVet (31)

Expansion of the ribs is an indication of thoracic enlargement. It is possible that she could have another medical condition that would made her chest appear enlarged.


Answer by  shijo (861)

No you can not confirm that she is pergnant. The confirmation test for preganancy is by an urine sample test.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

If your dog has been exposed to a male dog your dog could very well be pregnant. Now a days they do make ultra sounds for dogs to see if they are pregnant. Bring her to the vet and find out.


Answer by  mickdowen (67)

Your dog could be pregnant; the best way to confirm is to see your veterinarian. There are other reasons this could happen, though - she could be overweight or she could be bloated. If there are other symptoms such as vomiting with little coming out, see the vet immediately!

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