

Question by  darla (94)

What are the signs of a spouse cheating?


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

They will work late all the time, secret phone calls, defensive over you looking at their cell phone. Phone may ring at home and you when you answer it is a hang up. Grooming style changes, new underwear, dressing better. Staying fit working out more.


Answer by  critesb1 (224)

Phone calls where there is no one on the other end. When one leaves in middle of night for no good reason. Going on trips where before they never would have want before. Spending money more and not saying where the money was going. New cologne or perfume for someone.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Usually they will start acting weird. They usually will say that they are one place but later you find out they were somewhere else. If they start exhibiting strange behavior start asking questions about why they are.


Answer by  km8738 (1917)

The signs of a cheating spouse vary in many cases, but several are similar in most cases. A cheating spouse generally shows less interest (sexual and conversational) over a prolonged period of time. If they are increasingly defensive about their daily activities and become unpredictable in their timing; they might be cheating.

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