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Question by  steve73 (52)

What are the side effects of protein powder?


Answer by  RachelW (932)

Side effects from protein powder are extremely uncommon unless you are consuming a huge amount. They include nonabsorption of calcium, malfunction of the kidneys (often indicated by a change in urine output), flatulence, indigestion, and bloating. Allergic reactions can also occur in people with lactose intolerance but again, these are uncommon.


Answer by  DrAnishakap (22)

There is generally no side effects of protein powder if its taken in moderate amount. Ideally protein intake per meal should not be more than 40 grams. Protein powder is a dietry supplement so it is recommended to take food that is naturally rich in proteins like milk, fish, pulses etc. Excessive protein may lead to kidney stones and gastric disturbances


Answer by  Kath (1537)

Say based protein poweders can raise havoc with hormones in men and women. Men have lower testosterone reading, and women build fat in their bodies. Lactose intolerant people need to be careful selecting a powder that is not lactose based. Protein overloading can result in kidney damage, and substituting the powder in place of regular meals is never good.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Different protein powders have different side effects. Some of these have been known to cause kidney damage. If you boost muscle production too quickly, there can be a flood of creatinine to the kidneys, causing damage.

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