As with all drugs, Cialis may have side effects; these include sympotms such as nausea or headaches, but could range to worse symptoms like severe pains to loss of vision.
My cousin takes this. Some side effects that he mentioned included headaches, back pain, nasal congestion, muscle pain especially in her arms and legs. My cousin mentioned that when he was on cialis, he got really bad migraines. Other than that he found the drug to be pretty effective, and recoomends it to other people.
The most common side effects consist of: flushing, headache, stuffy or runny nose, back pain, muscle aches, and indigestion. These go away in a couple hours.
Possible side effects of Cialis may include headache, memory problems, stuffy nose, diarrhea, increase in body temperature, flushing of the face, muscle aches, back pain, difficulty breathing and closing of the throat.