


Question by  cesarin (41)

What are the most famous Cubist paintings?


Answer by  catso (7)

Picasso's "Three Musicians" and Braque's "Woman With a Guitar" are emblematic of the major themes of Cubist painting; re-structuring of space, an emphasis on abstraction, and plurality.


Answer by  DDragicevic (172)

Besides Pablo Picasso there are a lot more works by lesser known people. One of the most outstanding works - according to various expert sources - is The Nude Descending A Staircase by Marcel Duchamp. You might know him from his more known work, the one with the bathroom link.


Answer by  artfactory (5)

"Guernica" by Picasso, "Old Guitarist" by Picasso, and "Nude Descending a Staircase" by Marcel Duchamp are some of the most famous Cubist paintings.


Answer by  mankaloo (11)

Nude descending a staircase by Marcel Duchamp Guernica by Pablo picasso Les Demoiselles d' avignon by pablo picasso Self Portrait 1927 by Pablo Picasso Man with a guitar By Georges Braque

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