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Question by  Zoombaa (18)

What are the main benefits of employee rights in California?

I am very unhappy with some things that are happening at my job, and I want to know if I should be protected against this.


Answer by  patti (29325)

You have the right to find another job. If you are unhappy, let your feet do the talking: secure other employment and resign your current position. Your employer is under no obligation to make you happy; that's your responsibility. If leaving is what is required. so be it. Move on.


Answer by  patti (29325)

There are a number of federal and state laws that pertain to wages, safety and civil rights (sexual harassment, discrimination). Company policies with regard to discipline, promotions, accommodation, etc. are determined by the employer. You can read the details of federal and state law online. You might ask more specific questions, here, too.


Answer by  patti (29325)

There are laws about wages, overtime and how wages are paid. There are laws about hours works and breaks during that time. If you are unhappy with the work, your boss, co-workers, company policies, etc. it is best to find another job.


Answer by  vkcopper (358)

Investigate what are all the rights of the employee to see if you have any legal grounds to file a complaint/claim against their employer. Everyone has a legal right to inspect his/her personnel file and payroll records? You must be paid for all earned wages at time of termination.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, if you feel that something wrong is happening in your company, then for sure, you should contact the human resources advisor and explain what you are experiencing. If you feel that they are racist prejudice or unethical, you can let them know.


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

It depends on what you are unhappy about. Your employer has to pay you for the work you do and you need to work productively for the employer. It boils down to whether your employer os breaking a California law in your treatment.

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