
 death  legal


Question by  melissahasty (40)

What are the legal obligations when you have had a death in the family?


Answer by  jackson (75)

report the matter to the government authority and surrender the deceased identity card then take the deceased to the mortuary. after doing that one can go ahead to arrage for funneral arragements


Answer by  ratnam (150)

When we have a death in the family immediately report it in concerned corporation or village office. Fill the concerned form which includes the date of birth, reason for death,family history etc.If it is a suicide inform it in the police station and take the body to medical college for postmortem.


Answer by  jennifercrowe84 (202)

to pay for the funreal. Also pay for the person past bills. Call everyone if the person was working and let them know. If there is a will. The will needs to read.


Answer by  MNarasimhan (27)

The first thing is a certificate from a qualified Medical Practitioner, declaring the person's death. Death Certificate from the local Municipal Council in the name of the dead person.

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