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 death  legal


Question by  Sarathviswa (19)

What are the legal obligations of a family following a death?

Do we have to call a funeral home or the coroner?


Answer by  romanguy (233)

If the death did not occur at the hospital or the person was not under the immediate care of a physician, the coroner must determine cause of death and sign the death certificate which must be filed at the coury registrars office.


Answer by  knowitall39 (475)

You can call the funeral home. They will be able to answer all your questions about your obligations as the family of the deceased. It really depends on your state. States have the right to make their own laws about these sorts of things. Just call a good funeral home.


Answer by  Paralegal (5)

After the death of a loved one, it is the responsibility of the family to contact a funeral home or a coroner. It is against the law not to do so.


Answer by  acelanders67 (381)

If your loved one has passed away at the hospital, it's imperative you fill out the proper paperwork. Failing to do so may result in legal penalties. However, if you were not closely affiliated with the person, it isn't mandatory to go through the stress in order to get them properly buried or cremated.

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