

Question by  runnerbeans (374)

What are the high points of Asian culture?


Answer by  browngal (6)

Asian culture is one that promotes the hard worker. Asians are known to have the ability to start from the ground up to build successful empires. Asian culture is one that emphasizes education. Asian culture also emphasizes health. Asian culture has a deeply rooted history when it comes to art and civilization.


Answer by  Julia97 (56)

"Asian" is such a broad term that it is difficult to say. Assuming you mean East Asian, remember that a communal mentality and sense of honor are both extremely important.


Answer by  emmons (147)

Some of the high points of Asian culture are the novel The Tale of Genji by the Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu and the films of the Korean Hong Sang-soo.


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

One of the high points of Asian culture is the food and the fact that they do not waste any. Asians use every part of the animal to create dishes.

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