

Question by  ZackM (39)

What are the health benefits of garlic for dogs?

Someone told me they give their dog garlic all the time.


Answer by  dogluvr (79)

Garlic can be used to fight fleas, ticks and worms. It also fights bacteria internally if the dog has an infection and externally if there is a bacteria or fungus present on the skin. In addition it is thought to be a cancer fighter in both dogs and humans.


Answer by  DackThrombosis (1093)

Garlic in large doses can kill a dog by inducing anemia. In smaller doses, however, garlic can be quite beneficial to man's best friend. This herb can help boost the immune system, fight off fleas and ticks, and fight various bacterial and viral infections.


Answer by  Lettie (95)

Some benefits associated with garlic are less fleas and parasites and good breath. I don't think any of these have been studied extensively so there is no proof that they work. Garlic in small quantities will not hurt your dog.


Answer by  froston (233)

The health benefits of garlic for dogs would be to help decrease the risk of heart attacks and to help with their digestive system.


Answer by  maddog (132)

garlic is good for dogs. like in humans it helps prevent a lot of illnesses but the same like it is in humans. it does give bad breath. so even if you give your dog garlic make sure to brush his teeth to get rid of the bad odours from his mouth


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

It is an all natural deterrent to fleas and it repels them from the skin. Fleas and other bugs don't like the bitterness once it gets into the dog's blood system. This means you will have a flea free dog and not worry about the fleas living on the dog and in your home.

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