


Question by  chrisbauman (13)

What are the health benefits of fenugreek seeds?


Answer by  bendk (21)

There are lots of benefits in Fenugreek seeds one is it treats a lot of illness like asthma, constipation, arthritis, bronchitis, sore throat, and some skin diseases. It is also beneficial in the reproductive system for it cures hormonal imbalance for both men and women.


Answer by  kak (488)

Fenugreek seeds can help a sore throat when ground and mixed with cider or warm water. In paste form, it can be used for rashes or as a topic anesthetic. Lactating women often eat these to increase milk production. Diabetic patients often taken them to reduce hyperglycemia. Some people use the leaves for tea to lower joint inflammation ie. arthritis.


Answer by  Himanshupant (49)

Fenugreek seeds are helpful to us in many ways some of them are they can help a sore throat with cider or warm water, secondly it can be also used in the form of paste it can be used for rashes or a topic anesthetic, it is helpful to the women as well for milk production.


Answer by  RachelW (932)

Fenugreek seeds contain many organic complexes that are believed to be beneficial. They may reduce pain and inflammation, including fever, with no side effects, although this is unproven.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

it is a herbal remedy for several conditions such as arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, digestive problems. It also has been known to treat sore throat and respiratory problems. women can also use for reproductive disorders, hormonal disorders, reduce menstrual pain. recent studies show may reduce cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels.

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