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Question by  Beth25 (13)

What are the good parts of Toshiba notebooks?


Answer by  Sorrim (31)

Toshiba notebooks utilizes parts that need to be maintained in my opinion but they are quite sturdy and dependable if care is taken. Pretty much all the parts are extremely long lasting with the exception of the cpu/gpu fans and that's reasonable considering it is a motor based part that is pretty much always spinning due to heat dissipation.


Answer by  tigreton (23)

They use the Intel Core 2 Duo processors. Intel is better than AMD. Using a dedicated graphic, so the games and high applications like photoshop can run much better than in others notebooks. They have Dolby Home Theater, the best audio that a notebook can have. The best toshiba's notebooks has Blu-Ray compatible.


Answer by  Susan92 (6)

As a user of a Toshiba notebook I can say they are durable. When my dog pulled the electrical cord out of the Toshiba, the computer landed on the carpet without a scratch on it. After turning it on and off my computer started without a hitch.


Answer by  MarkD (39)

They are an extremely durable laptop. Also you can usually get a fairly inexpensive laptop that can handle a good deal of things. I recently purchased one and cannot image myself buying a different one. The have great hard drive, memory capacity and quality that can't be beat.


Answer by  TrixieRose (174)

Toshiba notebooks have good keyboards that "click" when you press the letters, unlike others that are silent. They also have amazing sound systems- at loudest, can fill a room with music or to share a video with others. Battery life is quite impressive too!

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