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Question by  paigow (33)

What are the diseases that cause hair to fall out in women?


Answer by  Tracipoo (1329)

Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome can cause hair loss in women. I have been diagnosed with this particular disease and so far, i havent experienced any hair loss.


Answer by  RAJINIVARMA (140)

Hyper tension,low level of sleeping, dandruff, unclean usage, salt water its all makes your increase of your hair fall. Make hot oil massage twice in a week. Doing henna once in week will help to reduce the problems


Answer by  jalucia (936)

Pattern baldness, scarring alopecia, alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, traction alopecia, diabetes and lupus. Poor nutrition, medications, medical treatments (chemotherapy), hormonal treatments, scalp infections, hair treatments (and the chemicals in them), and trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder).


Answer by  hairdo (22)

Unhealthy eating patterns, hormonal or chemical imbalances and stress are the most likely causes of hair loss in women. Age is another factor related to hair loss.

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