


Question by  GRRL (126)

What are the different types of Italian oils?


Answer by  quisqualis (1756)

Italy produces many grades and regional types of olive oil. It also produces grape seed oil, since Italy's winemaking industry generates large quantities of grape seeds.


Answer by  Marnely (17)

The most recognizable Italian oil is Olive Oil. Italy for years has been growing Olive trees and their olive oil is considered the best in the world.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

There is extra virgin. There is virgin olive oil and plain olive oil. There is also pure, extra light, and light.


Answer by  Kelly65 (51)

The USDA lists four grades of olive oil. u.S. Grade A (also called U.S. Fancy) is the best and used for salads and bread dipping. Other grades are for cooking.

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