


Question by  baba73 (22)

What are the different types of crime?


Answer by  Goog (46)

The different types of crime, as I understand them are: felonies, misdemeanors, infractions, and traffic offenses. Felonies and misdemeanors include (but are not limited to) violent crimes including murder, rape, and kidnapping. Common infractions are littering and causing disturbances. Traffic offenses, of course, are crimes committed while operating a vehicle.


Answer by  TMATM (499)

Petty Offensives and Misdomeanors are minor crimes like traffic tickets or shoplifting, where the max penalty is usually a fine or short stay (days) in a local jail. Felony's are major crimes like stabbings or shootings. They have big fines and a long stay (years) in State or Federal Prisons.

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