


Question by  savvysavingsincyahoocom (14)

What are the consequences of aerating and overseeding a lawn?


Answer by  SookiesHere (119)

Aeration will relive compaction and loosen soil, allows more water and fertilizer to reach the soil, oxygen can reach roots better, will break down thatch, and will let compost to penetrate soil. The only consequence of aerating is going to be a healthier lawn with better growth and healthier roots.


Answer by  Nancy89 (50)

Well it ain't gonna hurt anything. In fact your lawn is gonna look better than ever if you aerate and overseed it. I don't think I could explain it all here but it will not hurt anything at all. If you did do that quit worrying your head.


Answer by  RisingSunny (55)

As long as you water a lot until the seeds germinate you won't have any bad consequences as a result of over seeding your lawn. It will just help fill out any gaps or holes you might have after a long, hot or dry summer.

Reply by TalkQueen (38):
Well just make sure the aerating is done before the seeding. If you aerate after you seed then you could potentially have some short-term problems.  add a comment
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