

Question by  cwaters2120 (31)

What are the best way to get rid of dog smells?


Answer by  bean11 (2803)

The best way to get rid of dog smells is to make sure your dog is clean- regular baths, brushings, and dog treats like Greenies (which have fresh breath ingredients) will help. Also vacuum and clean carpets regularly, and try keeping oil scent diffusers around the house to ensure that your home stays odor free.


Answer by  Majyk (115)

I used to show houses and the only way we could get rid of dog smells completely was to change the carpet. You can mask them with a little vanilla in a pan and heat it in oven. There are some new sprays that work well to rid yourself of the smells just look in cleaning at grocery store.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

The best way I've found to get rid of dog/pet smells is to thoroughly wash everything. Use both Resolve stain remover and folex to spot clean carpet, couches, and fabric. Febreze makes a great new pet odor eliminator that can be used on any surface, and actually helps get rid of that smell.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

You need to take all furniture or furniture pieces that you can outdoors and let the sunshine hit them for a while. Then you need to spray the room or area wuth Frebreeze. Then spray the furniture itself with the special kind of Frebreeze that is made for upholstery. Open the windows if you can.


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

For urine and other bodily smells 'Nature's miracle' is amazing. What you do is pre-treat with nature's miracle then launder it, and it should be all good on the bodily smells. How it works is it 'eats' the bodily fluids using enzymes. Works like a charm in fabric or on hard surfaces.

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