


Question by  colleen469 (2)

Is it dangerous to smell the fumes of melted plastic or rubber?

I melted a pot handle while cooking on a gas top range and it really smells is it dangerous. It was cooking for about 15-20 min before I realized what it was. It did melt the handle and does smell in the house. I have opened windows and got rid of the pot, but it still smells really bad. Is it bad for you to smell these fumes?


Answer by  RachelW (932)

In such a small dose, these fumes will likely no be dangerous. If you are pregnant, you should mention this to your OB.


Answer by  Anonymous

yes it is dangerous. You were inhaling furans, dioxane, phthalates, and other plasticizers.

posted by Anonymous
Please lead me to more knowledge and whom to contact. I live near Aeropro in cosby T.N They make rubber matting ect. (google it) The fumes were so bad this morning I could smell them in my home. help  add a comment

Answer by  bean11 (2803)

No, it is not dangerous to inhale the fumes of melted rubber or plastic. It is certainly not pleasant to smell them, but it won't actually harm you. The stench will probably linger for several days, and then you'll be fine.


Answer by  luv2craft (140)

It could be dangerous, so leave the area or try to clean the air as much as possible. Open the windows and turn on any fans available and leave for several hours while it clears. If you're breathing well now, there will not likely be any long-term damage.

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