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Question by  jody (18)

What are the advantages of using the Dacal 300 to store disk?


Answer by  JohnGibbons (6)

The Dacal 300 places all of your disks in easily organized storage. This can help eliminate the extra spaces with the cases left lying around and it can also reduce the number of scratched or damaged discs in your archives. This can be used for all the disk you use in the computer not just your music.


Answer by  manjunathak12gmailcom (26)

An advantage is you can put all of your CDs and DVD's in one central location. Instead of having all the cases laying work's in puter with a couple of extra USB hubs and a couple of extra USB controller cards as well should have no trouble running at least a few dozen DC-300s.


Answer by  BrokenWits (382)

An advantage is you can put all of your CDs and DVD's in one central location. Instead of having all the cases laying around.


Answer by  kazmooth (197)

Using Dacal 300 to store disk has a lot of advantage. It is a powerful device to store your CDs and DVDs, enabling you to have easy and fast access to your favorite games, music, and movies.

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