

Question by  OftenWrongSung (19)

What are some topics for family home evening lessons?


Answer by  kalamitykrys (228)

Bible studies are useful for family home evening lessons. You can teach on faith, the golden rule, or even logical things that are in your every day life such as economical choices with money, things that you need done to run a household or things that are required you take care of to live.


Answer by  cslhomeagent (34)

Any kind of baking experience is a lesson in measurement, safety, and cause/effect. For very small children, setting the table is a great way to practice counting using one-to-one correspondence. Playing board games also provides a variety of math and reading experiences for school-age children. Write a story together about a recent event or make up a fantasy!


Answer by  Robert53 (131)

One of the best topics for family home evening lessons is the topic of the founding of the United States. When you discuss the founding fathers, you inevitably discuss important topics such as freedom and responsibility. The Constitution is a great document and it can teach us many great things about our nation and ourselves.


Answer by  Bea25 (16)

Personal finances are a valuable lesson that is best taught at home. With young children begin with the differences between wants and needs and create a priority chart allocating resources. With older children start teaching about the importance of saving.


Answer by  Anonymous

Many are the nights I've been scrambling for a family home evening lesson, and remembered my FHE on DVD collection. Great lessons, like faith, prayer, the first vision, and all laid out and ready for you to use with scriptures, songs, and questions to discuss.

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