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Question by  SapphireOrchid (22)

What are some tips for visiting Disneyland with small children?

We are going for the day on a Saturday.


Answer by  ShanL (684)

Try to see indoor shows to get them out of the heat and let them rest between rides, and do not pass up a bathroom without making them use it.


Answer by  ashley22 (61)

Bring/rent a stroller. This will come in handy for holding souvenirs and tired children. Bring snacks for children. Food is very expensive. Map out your day and plan the right rides for their age. Get a FastPass for popular rides so you won't have to wait in long lines.


Answer by  vfisher (345)

Some helpful tips would be to have a plan when visiting the park. Do some research before arriving at the park on the height restrictions for the attractions. Find out what restaurants are at the park and what their menus offer. Have a central meeting location in the park if you and your children get separated.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

When we took our 3 yr old we had 2 adults and him. This worked well as there was always someone to go on a ride with him. We also attached a luggage tag to his belt loop with our hotel info and a home phone number as well. I've seen one parent with multiple children and it was chaos.


Answer by  tumsy (467)

My first tip is for you to bring a stroller. Make sure that you bring all their needs like extra shirts and shorts, towels, baby wipes or tissue paper.


Answer by  Satie (85)

Go on long walks with your kids to prepare them for the walking they will be doing at Disney. Go back to the hotel for a swim break.


Answer by  Fay22 (12)

Small children have the most energy in the morning so plan on going out as soon as the park opens. By lunch time the children will be ready to nap.


Answer by  kennethjgoodson (4903)

The best thing to do is make sure you keep your eye on your kids because they love to wander down there and they will get lost.

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