weight lifting


Question by  BillS (50)

What are some strategies for natural weightlifting?


Answer by  GreentTea (21)

Target a different muscle group everyday. Eat plenty of protein, minimize simple carbs, sugars, and fats. Make sure to include plenty of cardio, rest, and sleep.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

You can do some light weightlifting at home using cans of food. Holding the can in each hand bend the arm about 5 times.


Answer by  jaclark586 (359)

You should always work with a partner to spot you as it will allow you to push yourself, do a weight you can lift 8-12 reps with.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

Some stragies for "natural" weightlifting includes anything to do with not lifting weights which essentially, cost money. The best way to go about this, is to do the following types of exercises: pushups, situps, curl-ups, chin-ups, jogging, biking and yoga. All of these will build muscle, but not cost you anything.


Answer by  Tbaby (38)

Lift at night. So you can then lift hard and after go straight to sleep so you can recover and have a hardy strong good nights sleep as well.


Answer by  Steve31 (142)

The overload principle must be applied in order for the natural weightlifter to grow, this is achieved by continuously challenging the muscle with heavier weights on a weekly basis.


Answer by  Annette (18)

For natural weightlifting head to your cupboard and pantry! Find a couple 16 oz. cans and get ready to work your biceps. A quick workout, then lunch!


Answer by  Brett (7986)

Some strategies would be obviously not to purchase any equipment, or use any money on weights, weightlifting equipment, supplemants, etc. I would recommend doing exercises such as pullups, situps, chinups, etc., in addition, to doing various videos and doing various cardio exercises which are simple and effective (jogging, riding the bike, etc.)

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