what is


Question by  inphri (38)

What are some self motivation techniques?


Answer by  MTGrandma (405)

Some people work best under pressure; delay the work until it needs to be done. Reward is another motivator. If I walk everyday, eventually I will fit into my skinny jeans. If the housework needs to be done pretend company is coming.


Answer by  mightyspidey (1080)

Make a list of personal goals that you have, and what you need to do in order to achieve them. Put a copy of the list in places that you often go: the bedside table, bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, car steering wheel, etc. It'll be a constant reminder to you and motivate you to do your best all the time.


Answer by  warriorangel18 (106)

Set a goal for yourself. Reward yourself after you have completed a certain amount of steps that are directed toward completing your goal. Make a chart with those rewards placed at certain places so you can see your progress. Don't get discouraged if it takes longer than you planned it to take.

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