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Question by  peters (296)

What are some of the best horror books?

I need horror book recommendations.


Answer by  Larry (104)

You can't go wrong with one of Stephen King's books. The earlier in his career, the better. The Stand is a classic about a flu-like illness that wipes out most of the country. Definitely don't read it if you have a cold. A good reference is King's Dance Macabre, a history of the horror genre.


Answer by  tenarella (26)

All the gothic books are the best. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, Bram Stoker's Dracula. You can try Edgar Alan Poe and Horace Walpole. If you want to read contemporary books, then just take Stephen King's Carrie. I Am Legend from Richard Matheson, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde from Robert Louis are also very good horror books that I recommend.


Answer by  Marie (778)

If your interested in horror books, a great place to start is with the classics. The books "Dracula" by Bram Stoker and "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley have continued to influence modern writers today.


Answer by  SteveO (147)

Clive Barker has some awesome horror books including Imajica, Weaveworld, and Books of Blood. Stephen King's The Stand is a classic horror also.

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