

Question by  George71 (18)

What are some healthy foods to lose weight?


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

You should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and try to avoid red meat and things made with processed flour.


Answer by  lou (792)

The healthiest foods to lose weight include fresh vegetables, fruits, beans and meat. The body needs carbohydrates, so it is best to include smaller portions of whole grains.


Answer by  dedre (998)

It is most important to keep protein in a diet. This helps the muscles while eating other foods such as whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, and alot of water everyday.


Answer by  vicki94 (477)

Any green leafy veggie. Fruit of all kinds. Drinking a lot of water every day will help to lose weight. Oatmeal is good and will keep you from getting hungry. Use whole weat products and one slice of whole wheat bread a day. Portion size is the key to losing weight.


Answer by  kmccarte (187)

A diet rich in whole grains (such as whole wheat bread), fruits & vegetables, and lean meats (such as chicken) is ideal when trying to lose weight.


Answer by  Kagie1 (85)

Cereal, like Special K and Raisin Bran. Here is a neat trick that I follow: Enjoy steamed fresh vegetables as main food, and meat like poultry as a side dish.


Answer by  timerunning (805)

Some good foods to eat are: Chicken (without skin) Turkey (without skin) Lean cuts of beef Lean cuts of pork Lean cuts of lamb Lean cuts of veal Eggs Egg whites Tuna fish Trout Crab Clams Scallops Lima beans Navy beans Pinto beans Miso Soybeans Peanuts Almonds Cashews Hazelnuts Pecans Pistachio nuts Natural peanut butter Pumpkin seeds Sunflower seeds

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