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Question by  deb74 (164)

What are some haunted house games?

We are having a haunted house party.


Answer by  AyukiHolmes (44)

If it's in terms of gaming consoles, I suggest that FEAR or Silent Hill does hit the spot, or any of the Resident Evil series. In terms of ordinary games, I know that there are games with DVDs, but I may have forgotten the names of them because it was out so long ago.


Answer by  n0ne (50)

Kick the can is always a good scary game to be played after dark. You can also put slimey foods in bowls for people to guess what it is.


Answer by  skwiglez (641)

There is a game called Murder out there. I am not sure of the exact rules but it looks fun and involves everyone.


Answer by  sc1234 (1319)

There are a couple of these, a kid-friendly one is called Luigi's Mansion for the Nintendo Gamecube. For more adult oriented games, I would try any Resident Evil game.

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