
 dogs  name  what is


Question by  ratheesh21 (12)

What are some good Yorkie names?

I just got a brand new Yorkie puppy.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

I can't really give you any advice other than you need to let the puppy name itself. Spend some time with the puppy and get to know it a little better. Don't worry. The dog will pretty much name itself.


Answer by  myhelle (72)

There are millions of names to chose from for Yorkies!! You probably would want to give them a unique and appropriate name for their personality and size. Yorkies are very small so something like "Tiger" would be silly. These are some suggestions: Gremlin, Poopsie, Goblin, Pixie, and shorty.

posted by Anonymous
i named my 1 of my yorkies lila and it just didnt get it so on her papers it was shortie lila and we call her shortie, all dogs are different, my other yorkie was so mean and rotten i named her angel they both fit there names. youll know  add a comment
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