

Question by  elangoc (18)

What are some good flowers to plant in low-light or shade?


Answer by  Chrissy511 (7)

Good flowers to plant in low-light or shade areas would include the many different varities of the Hosta plant as well as the Begonia plant.


Answer by  CHIRAGSHAH (116)

IMPATIENS, HYDRANGEAS & RHODODENDRONS plants with beautiful colour & fragrant blossoms. LYSIANTHIS annual plant available in purple,white & yellow colours. Marsha washington geraniums a mixed colour plant. FUCHSIAS suitable for hanging pots.


Answer by  worker8388 (994)

Flowers like cardinal flower,fringed breeding heart,harebells,hepatica,Jacob's ladder,rue anemone,spring beauty,wild columbine will be suitable flower plants that can be planted under low light or partial shade.


Answer by  1990david (414)

The best plants for low light or shade are aglaonema, this plant thrives on its own. Another plant is african violet.This plant actually blooms beter when neglected. Some other ones are zebra plants, and bromeliads.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

One of the best are creeping flocks they will grow anywhere no matter how much or how little sun or shde they get.

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