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Question by  Willf239 (6)

What highlights and lowlights will look good in red hair?

What shades of high- and lowlights should I try with my naturally red hair?


Answer by  daryatarawneh (56)

if you are going with red then go crazy. one thing to keep in mind is to look at your skin color, you dont want to look too pale or too dark, i will advice brown red for the base and mahogany red for the highlight,


Answer by  caliprincess04 (155)

Depending on how deep your red is, a mid-level blonde and 2 shades deeper of a red would make for great highlights and lowlights


Answer by  Mary (2095)

You probably want to go with brown or blond as lightening or darking the red will not look natural and may be pink or purple looking.


Answer by  Anonymous

I am a natural red-head and i suggest not highlighting it just go with alot of lowlights. Use your natural red as highlights, putting in blond will bleach the red out and you will never get back to your natural color. Go with brown because it doesn't turn out purple.


Answer by  Anonymous

For red heads stay in that sort of area, ao don't go too dark or too light. I'm a red head myself and i went darker, i have been told by everyone to become a model because of it! I love it so much!!!!!!!


Answer by  hairgoddess (21)

Absolutely. Highlights and lowlights look good in every haircolor other than black. It depends if you want your hair to look more strawberry blonde, dark auburn, or emphasise the red (like Ariel from the Little Mermaid). I would use dark chestnut/auburn lowlights, and golden blonde highlights.


Answer by  gutierstudio (16)

To achieve natural high and low lights on naturally red hair, you should go no further than 2 shades darker or lighter. Stay within the red tonalities.


Answer by  SanoIchiro (104)

Typically, lightening for high-lights look best when done up to two levels. Its the same for low-lights. Depeding on your shade of red, choose two levels lighter and darker.

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