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Question by  Lorri (37)

What are some general knowledge US history questions?

I need them for a game.


Answer by  JDBIII (222)

In what city was President McKinley assassinated in 1901. The answer is Buffalo, New York. He was visiting the Pan-American Expo that was going on in Buffalo and while shaking hands with people in a receiving line, was shot by Leon Czolgosz who was an anarchist and Socialist. President McKinley died eight days after he was shot.


Answer by  Kassandra (203)

When did the Mayflower arrive? What year was the Declaration of Independence written? What were the original 13 colonies? How many Confederate states were there during the Civil War? Who did we purchase Alaska from? What does "one if by land, two if by sea" mean? How long did the Revolutionary War last? What year was the White House burned?


Answer by  rhelms10 (310)

What year did the Civil War end? Who was the nation's third president? How long was the Revolutionary War? How many states were there in the year 1796? Who shot President Lincoln?


Answer by  DackThrombosis (1093)

Who was the first president of the United States? When was the U.S. Constitution ratified? When was the Civil War fought? What is the name of the first man to set foot on the moon?

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