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Question by  peter24 (11)

What are some fun jobs for teenagers?


Answer by  DrHarris (508)

Try something you would also benefit from. Adventure parks are a great place, as you can usually do the rides for free. Other good places are arcades, video rental stores, skating rinks, mini-golf parks, and movie theaters. Fast food and grocery stores are not fun, so try to get a job you'd enjoy before you resort to that.


Answer by  you (79)

Teenagers can babysit, mow lawns, become baristas, work retail, or deliver pizzas. They can be messengers, food servers, do telemarketing, conduct phone surveys, or get paid to wear signs over their shoulders.


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

Working with a good manager that takes an interest in teaching the teenager how to do a good job and make it enjoyable is best. Not all work is fun.


Answer by  KMcRae (714)

Working in a movie theater is a fun job. At the movies you sometimes get free screenings and get to see movies before others.

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