

Question by  Curt (25)

What are some common skin ailments in dogs?

I'm trying to narrow down what's wrong with my puppy.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Certain breeds are more prone to skin problems. SOme such problems include extremely dry flaky skin, sometimes they have mange which may look dry, red with signs of fur loss.


Answer by  PeggyG (14)

Most common skin problems come from fleas and other parasites. However, there are be several types of skin conditions and many different causes for your puppies skin ailment.


Answer by  cpncrash (424)

Depending on the type of rash and where it is located it could be irritation from flea bites, fly bites, parasites cause skin rashes and irritation. Allergies to food, shampoos, or flea medications can cause skin problems. Bacterial infections are common. It could be mange or just hot spots that make the dog itchy.

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