

Question by  grammar22 (11)

What are some Christmas dinner ideas?

I need food ideas as well as table ideas.


Answer by  aofia (154)

An international themed Christmas dinner would be a nice idea and something different. Decorations of Christmas from different countries would be nice to be used as centerpieces. A variety of ethnic dishes and desserts would be a nice surprise. Your guests usually expect the usual ham and turkey but this would be a nice twist.


Answer by  Tammy11 (6)

We used to fill our entire table with hors d'oeuvres from morning until night. People drop in at odd times during the day and can still "share in the meal"!


Answer by  dent (45)

Christmas dinner should not be about the actual food, but about the people that have come to enjoy it. So a wide variety of dishes is a good idea, with plenty of side dishes along with the main course. Serve slowly with lots of time in between.


Answer by  hedgielady (126)

pinecones for decoration mashed roots (potatoes, turnips, carrots, etc) cauliflower casserole quiche apple slaw green bean casserole turkey with apple and onion stuffing chocolate trifle pumpkin pie pecan pie


Answer by  keke (335)

Some really good christmas dinners it like chicken penne a nice pasta that you could make to look christmas looking.

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