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Question by  MeganM (13)

Can I feed canned pumpkin to my cats?

I want them to have a Christmas dinner like mine.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

I highly doubt that your cats will even want to eat the canned pumpkin. Though if you would like to treat them to something special for a Christmas meal, why not give them a special treat like tuna? Then you both can have a meal that you will really enjoy for the holidays together as a family.


Answer by  Britt (453)

Yes you can, make sure it is unsweetened. But I'd only give them half a can each, maybe less. It is sometimes used to get rid of constipation in cats.


Answer by  Nancy (578)

Absolutely not! Cats require totally different nutritional needs than humans. You are thinking in terms of a cat being a human. It is not an could care less about pumpkin. Feed your cat what was made for a cat. If you want to give it a tasty "wet" food made for cats, that should be it's Christmas dinner.


Answer by  worker4161 (16)

Feeding canned pumpkin aids a cat's digestion. I recommend giving your cat a little canned pumpkin when you feed him or her.


Answer by  cuteangel79 (57)

Yes the kitty can have canned pumpkin in moderation, since sugar is not good for animals watch how much you give them. also be used for diarehha,Constepation and Indegestion.


Answer by  dpauleyii (843)

It is probably best to stick with regular cat food. This will have all the nutrients your cat will need for proper growth. However, I don't see where a can of pumpkin once a year will hurt them.

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