

Question by  bob1234 (22)

What are possible causes of sudden tremors in a dog?


Answer by  scariapj (346)

Some times it may be the symptom of epilepsy , it may be because of a poison or it may be because of some metabolic and brain disorders..


Answer by  Huntress (1935)

There are several things that can cause these symptoms: poison, metabolic and brain disorders, pain. Take your dog to the vet ASAP because it could be something very serious.


Answer by  Daisy (161)

Some examples are ingesting toxins, problems with the immune system, kidney failure, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, tumours, spinal cord problems and nerve disease. Most of these problems are treatable. A vet would have to take tests to diagnose the problem. Some dogs will have sudden tremors from nerves or if they are cold.


Answer by  katrescuer (431)

It could be a sign of epilepsy. If the dog is having seizures it would need to be on medication, you need to consult a vet. Seizures could be fatal.

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