

Question by  Nrs (22)

What are pickled green tomatoes?


Answer by  penrose (235)

Pickled green tomatoes are like other pickles, except they use green tomatoes as the base (instead of more typical bases like cucumber). I am surprised the cucumber pickles became the most popular, because pickled tomatoes are my favorite pickled vegetable. Cauliflower comes in a close second for me.


Answer by  catman529 (809)

Pickled green tomatoes are, basically, pickled green tomatoes. The green fruit are pickled in a brine just like cucumber pickles. There are some tomato varieties that are green when ripe, and all the ones I know of are heirlooms or open-pollinated (non-hybrid).


Answer by  Wackonorm (164)

Pickled green tomatoes are tomatoes who are naturally green (Green Zebra) and stored in air-tight cans with a brine. The process is similar to what farmers do to cucumbers.


Answer by  debtat (19)

Pickled Green tomatoes are like pickled cucumbers. They are tomatoes picked green, then processed in a water/vinegar solution with spices. Based on the spices, you could have dilled green tomatoes or bread and butter green tomatoes. Dilled green tomatoes is my favorite.


Answer by  TxBluEyes (34)

Pickled Tomatoes are a great side dish that can be served even on sandwiches. They are unripe tomatoes that are sliced and placed in jars with onions, herbs and spices then topped with hot vinegar and water in order to preserve them.

Reply by Kinetic (47):
Although you could pickle unripe tomatoes, I think most pickled green tomatoes use naturally-green tomatoes. These are just tomatoes that are green, instead of red or yellow. They remain green even when perfectly ripe.  add a comment
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