How can I transfer numbers from my sim card to my iphone?
How can you determine who called you from a 13 digit phone number?
What are some good questions to ask a mental health provider?
What are some jobs for mentally retarded people?
What do I need to know about getting and keeping a job for the mentally impaired?
What is the number one cause of mental problems?
What is the relationship between mental health and a spending spree?
Question by worker5537 (37)
For example: If you wanted to know 20 x 21, you'd quickly multiply 20 x 20 in your head and then add one more 20. What is that called?
Answer by gigo (1706)
In germany we call this head backing (Kopfstütze) like the thing that saves your head if you have a car crash.
Answer by esteban (1334)
When you use numbers that are close to the given numbers to estimate an answer, you are using "friendly numbers" they are sometimes called "amicable numbers. "
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