

Question by  preetishailgarg (19)

What are my rights when being called by a credit card's law firm for collection in California?


Answer by  tml (538)

Generally you have the right not to be harassed, called at work, called at home after work ours (i. e. at night) and to not be accosted in person. You can also order them to have to deal with your lawyer if you have one. You also don't have to talk to them at all, regardless of what they say.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

They cannot call you before 8 a. m. or after 9 p. m. They should not threaten you or say they will sue you unless they have action to. You have the right to make payments.


Answer by  Mary (2095)

You can get the details of the right from the Attorney General and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Basically creditors are not allowed to harass you when they contact you. You can request that they mail you any information and you should make this request by certified mail, keeping a copy for yourself.


Answer by  flamiss22 (5081)

Most credit card companies have their own in house collections so make sure they are who they say they are. No one is allowed to call you before eight am or after nine pm in your time zone. If you have a personal card you have the right to ask for all correspondence in writing and no more calls


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

They are not allowed to curse at you. They cannot call past 9 PM your local time or before 6 AM your time. They cannot threaten criminal action for nonpayment. They are legally obligated to send proof of the debt when asked. They cannot call you at work if you request them not to.

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