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Question by  Tracy94 (18)

What are examples of old recording methods?


Answer by  tacofancy (34)

Early recording was entirely acoustic and utilized impressions carved into wax cylinders which were later played back on phonographs. Electric recording was later introduced and introduced amplifiers for improved sound.


Answer by  Isabel (7)

In just the past few years, recording methods have changed dramatically. 78 rpm phonograph records became 33's and 45's, which became four and eight-track tape recordings. Next were cassettes, which offered more options, followed by compact discs. Today's technology allows old recordings to be enhanced to sound new.


Answer by  samhin925 (52)

The phonograph cylinder was the first practical recording method followed by phonograph discs (records). Probably the most well known of the old recording methods would be the use magnetic tape. This brought about the advent of being able to play, record and erase the same tape.


Answer by  BoogieWoogie (75)

Recording in boiler rooms, or rooms with a lot of ambient sound. Using older model microphones also changes the sound.


Answer by  mrjoshx (89)

One method was to focus sound (voice or an instrument) into a "horn" made of metal, which transmitted sound downward into a needle, which scratched grooves into a wax cylinder.


Answer by  zacanger (434)

Depends on how old-school you're talking. Right now, recording studios are old school, the modern method is to use a laptop, interface, and some good mics. If you're looking for a "vintage" sound, try using ribbon mics, tube preamps, an analog board, no digital effects, and -- of course -- record to tape.

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