

Question by  ashstrat (19)

What are examples of good lucky house plants?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

My favortive plant that brings good luck is bamboo. I love bamboo and it looks great in any room. The fern plant is also good luck and is a good housewarming gift.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

Lucky Bamboo is a good one. It is actually a tropical rainforest lily. It does not do well in direct sunlight and likes lots of water, preferably spring or filtered, that is changed weekly.


Answer by  Karen54 (971)

Bamboo stalks have traditionally been considered lucky and make a great housewarming gift. You can purchase a stalk in most upscale groceries. Put in a pretty vase with water and it will begin to grow leaves. Another popular lucky plant is the four-leaf clover. Easy to grow too!


Answer by  mehul80 (136)

bamboo plant and aloe are the good lucky house plants.Bamboo will solve the financial problems.and aloe will take it out the bad things of your house.You have to keep aloe in front of your have to keep bamboo plant inside the house.

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