what is


Question by  kelsey94 (40)

What are eukaryotic cells?

Are they in your body?


Answer by  brians6000 (640)

Eukaryotic Cells are those of an organism, where the cell's complex structures are inside of a membrane. The opposite of Eukaryotic Cells are Prokaryotic cells, where there is no membrane and there is no nucleus. Eukaryotic Cells, unlike the Prokaryotic have the nucleus in addition to the membrane around the cell's complex structures.


Answer by  kalip (355)

Eukaryotic cells are cells that have membrane bound organelles. They are different from prokaryotic cells in that they are more advanced. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane bound nucleus and other organelles such as ribosomes and mitochondria. Some cells have cell walls and others just have cell membranes. The cytoplasm does not just have everything floating in it.

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