

Question by  Anonymous

To what extent do entertainment lawyers utilize paralegals?


Answer by  patti (29325)

It depends on the attorney and the practice. Not all lawyers hire paralegals, regardless of the area of practice. It depends on the nature of the work, the clientele and the casework.


Answer by  olive8 (911)

All lawyers utilize their paralegals to a huge degree, and the entertainment industry is no different. A paralegal is invaluable to a lawyer, and one with a lot of training or experience in the field in which the lawyer practices is going to prove even more valuable. Get some good experience and then go for it!


Answer by  Emr (698)

Most larger law firms use paralegals, and this includes entertainment lawyers. Small, one-man outfits are less likely to employ paralegals, as the overhead in hiring more staff is more than a small company can handle. Paralegals can save the clients money, but they can also cost clients money in that they bill time for tasks secretaries used to perform.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

They all use paralegals. Every lawyer uses a paralegal to get the easy work done. I would say they use them about 50% of the time to get all the easy work done.


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Most lawyers employ paralegals to help with the workload of a busy office. Typically paralegals in working for an entertainment lawyer will file for copyrights, draft preliminary contracts, perform research, etc. For a large office paralegals can be essential.


Answer by  Bob8478 (1040)

Regardless of the type of law practiced, lawyers utilize paralegals in much the same fashion. They are often overworked and underpayed, typically working around the clock to complete given tasks.


Answer by  dps3957 (119)

The right hand man to every lawyer is the paralegal. in the modern entertainment law office the paralegal is the heart and soul.

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