

Question by  lalalalala (28)

Should I worry if my child is 3 and not potty trained?


Answer by  Kelli (181)

Not at all! Each child is different, and the best way to potty-train is to wait until your child shows signs of readiness (recognizing when he needs to go, wanting soiled diapers removed immediately, showing great interest when you go to the bathroom). For some kids, that's close to age 2; others take longer. No worries!


Answer by  Rose (6804)

Every child is different and will potty train when they are ready. If you try and force the issue you could cause him or her to regress even more. There are many options available to help you potty train your child.


Answer by  chetana (37)

yes,it is a matter of worry. because in future they will go to school first time,and if they potty there,then? it is shameful for them and you also. by that you also give trouble to your child's teachers. so,just trained them and told them benefits of it! because every time you will not with them.

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