dental care


Question by  startrek3010 (19)

Should I worry about a decalcification on a tooth on a toddler?


Answer by  jaimesgirl (1055)

Decalcification of a single tooth could be an isolated event, but if several teeth are decalcified, there could be evidence of serious medical problems. Check with your dentist to see whether it has occurred because of a single tooth problem or is a sign of a more serious condition.


Answer by  amber33 (1941)

Yes, even though they loose their baby teeth, they can get an infection in that tooth and it can spread through their body.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Yes, It could be that your toddler doesn't consume enough calcium or a number of problems with his teeth. You should take your child to his dentist to see if there is anything that you can do to fix this problem with his tooth. Just make sure your child gets vitamins and enough calcium in his diet.


Answer by  nanook (605)

In most cases you do not need to worry about decalcification on a toddlers tooth for the main reason that they will eventually fall out.

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