

Question by  dsmith42 (371)

Should I change for my ex girlfriend so that I can get her back?


Answer by  Anonymous

Depends on what you have to change. If it's something that will make her happy and make you a better person then you probably should. Depends on how much you want her back.


Answer by  jmcew (139)

It depends on what that change is. Change is hard, but some changes are worthwhile. If the change is something that would improve your life with or without her, such as improving communication skills, stopping drugs, or becoming a more positive person, you could try to work at it.


Answer by  somerset (801)

Absolutely not. What would be the point. She is not the right person for you anyway. If you have some bad habits, work on changing those. Be the best that you can be. You will have a better chance of meeting the right person for you.


Answer by  NapyTme (35)

No, you should not change for your ex-girlfriend. She won't be dating you, she'll be dating someone you are pretending to be. And eventually, you're going to get tired of pretending and your old personality will come creeping back, your girlfriend will realize you haven't changed, and you'll be in the same position.


Answer by  tschebyshev (252)

I don't think that you can change enough to make a difference in a relationship. Changes are possible but they take a tremendous amount of work, and lots of time. You are who you are, and if it didn't work out, then you probably need to move on.


Answer by  pbob (19)

No. If you try to change, you will likely resent her. You need to find someone who will accept you as you are.


Answer by  hanaalami (30)

do not change anything about you unless you are convinced that you should.Your girl friend should accept you as you are


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

It depends: what does she want you to change? If those changes are going to make you into a better, nicer, more mature person, then changing is a good idea, whether or not she comes back.

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