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Question by  Sean59 (63)

Should I become a teacher?

I just can't decide.


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

Teaching is a wonderful profession, where you can do a lot of good, but it has a lot of drawbacks as well, the biggest one being very low pay and long hours. Take a career assessment test to see if your personality is a good match for this job, and try volunteering as a tutor at first.


Answer by  spragoo (1500)

First question you should ask yourself is "why" you want to become a teacher. It is harder work than people think. Other questions are can you handle being around kids all day? Becoming a teacher is a very noble thing and you will help shape the minds of our youth. I say go for it!


Answer by  runnerbeans (374)

Teaching can be a rewarding career but it isn't for everyone. First of all, do you enjoy being around other people? This job requires a lot of human interaction and you should be comfortable dealing with lots of different personality types. You should also be okay with a structured environment.


Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

If you love children and education, then yes. But if you don't and are just in it for the money, then no, because its long hours, not much pay, and can be frustrating.

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